

Ask @IFilledtheBucket

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If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

I'd have another Gouda Chicken on Biroche from Wendy's
This is totally not advertising

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

These questions need to end in question marks by the way
ask.fm u slippin yo
Also, future.
1914 was the beginning of WWI so
I'll take my chances with 2114
Liked by: Rave Traylor

did you get it? I'm not sure if I was supposed to put a1 in front of that lol

Rave Traylor
Yep! Just responded.
It didn't take that long to get it, my phone was just on silent x)

Who had the most positive influence on you?

Not really who, more so what.
The Ivy League tour back in October.
Helped put some things into perspective
Liked by: Rave Traylor

If you could enlarge any part of your body, what would it be?

I'm perfectly fine with the size of my body parts right now
I feel like this questions was made specifically for me to say my dick
Liked by: Rave Traylor

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

Aw, Uncle Ignacious.
So I could have actually gotten to know him a bit

What things do you love?

I love my family.
My extended family (to an extent, aha)
I love soft grass and breezes
I love tacos, quesadillas, huge throbbing burritos, fajitas
I love the smell of freshly cut grass
I love snuggles
I love my jams
Liked by: S

If you could paint anything what would you paint?

If pain was a color to paint on you
Your heart would be the color blue

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

I believe that people can make connections with eachother
I can consider the couple/group of people that have the strongest connections are soulmates.
Does that work?


Language: English