
Jana Virananda

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Jana, describe gw dong cepetan ga pake lama yaaaaaa

Erni maaf ya baru jawab
-namanya kayak mbak-mbak cina
-buddha kristen
-cantik dan cute
-tapi dari TANJUNGPINANG hahaha
-banyak momen berkesan sm dia pas nsdc
-dulu digosipin bareng hahaha
-debater tangguh
-teammatenya arina n wenvint
-anak kesayangan bu linda
-perjuangannya wow I admire her
-kalo main kartu trus ketauan boong lucu bgt ngomong "oh shit"
-she understands me so much
-really want to meet her but after all this shit is over
-good luck w monash erni

Desc meeee jan (tapi harus bagus I'm grading it)

-temen dari nsdc sampe sekarang masih asik
-kalo telfonan bisa lama bgt
-reactivated her ask.fm for me :)
-she doesnt understand jesus
-she doesnt understand the choice I had to make when I stole that french dictionary
-suka ngejek aku munti
-suka ngikutin UK politics
-nigel farage's hoe
-doesnt like labour and understand ed milibands struggles
-ex debater yang hebat dan dulu ambisius
-susah banget ketemu sampe pas di bali maksain bgt ketemu cuma 10 menit :')
-kalo ngobrol shes so hilarious
-kalo udh ketemu bikin kangen banget deh :(
-see you again
Liked by: Erni Wenvint

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Jana,Share pengalaman dong bagaimana persiapan untuk NSDC kemarin??

Aduh jadi kangen masa-masa itu. Persiapan NSDCku sama Ucok dan Keila kmrn jadi mantap karena ada 2 TC atau karantina hehe. Persiapan Tim Bali lumayan lama dan santai krn timnya udh kepilih sejak agak lama.
TC pertama kalo ga salah bulan Juli dilatih oleh Kak Dennys, sekalian untuk persiapan lomba IREC di UGM, jadi ada Grace juga. TC yg ini ga official dari dinas, kita yang ngadain sendiri dg bantuan uang dr Pak Rika lol. TC kedua itu lebih deket menjelang NSDC, resmi dari dinas dan diadakan di "hotel" Batukaru. Pelatihnya banyak dan dateng pergi setiap hari gt tp yg mendampingi kita selalu adalah Kak Molly. Selain itu ada juga Kak Intan, Kak Sinbe sm Kak Ananda yg berkesan bgt deh hahaha. Itu masa-masa aku gendut ga terkontrol, aku makan banyak bgt kfc sm dunkin donuts. Kita ada momen teambonding setim di mobilnya Ucok wkwk dan ada juga ke pantai Sanur latian ga jelas gt hahaha, seru banget deh. Tapi selain TC pastinya ada pihak-pihak lain yang sgt banyak mendukung dan membantu persiapan kita. Extremely thankful for that.

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Describe and impersonate mee kakkk

Khanaya Manohara used to be an eksis girl when she was still in SMP, but ever since she got to Foursma she has been downgraded into a regularly abused domestic helper called Tukiem.
"Did you press the like?!" Her very dramatic response in a pseudo-British accent when I pressed her like notif button (which was around 400) on her phone's ask.fm. Apparently she likes to keep her ask.fm notifications unopened so she can live in the illusion that hundreds of people are liking her answers and so she doesn't feel lonely.
"Why are you obsessed so me?"
"Aduh kak dont press the home button!!!!!!!!"
"I have victoria secret model body"
"I still love d*ck"

Describe & imp me!!

Putri Denpasar Kak Ayu is so very beautiful and smart in everything, debate, lessons or general logic. But I think she's already bored of people complimenting her that way bcs it's too true11!!!! Lol. Anw she has a strategically located house, with a particularly jaw-dropping family photo, and a nice family. She is my very first inspiration in debate, I always strived to be as good as her but I gave up along the way. Shes too natural. But I still like to ask her about stuffs in debate thanks Kak Ayu!!! Sorry if this is way past the deadline.
"Simply/just because ... Doesnt mean ..."
*some mean jokes that bully my personality*

kak, how can we use our time as effective as we can ? I'm type of person who can't focus in a long time. I need your suggestions, considering that you're a diligent person. thank you. please answer :)

I'm not that diligent, I'm an avid procrastinator especially when I hit youtube or online games. But it really depends on the type of person you are and the kinds of activities you do. In my opinion the biggest impediment to effective time management are distractions. So I usually go to some random restaurants or cafes when Im doing my work to avoid the temptation of bed. In public places I cant distract myself as much. And dont go on twitter and ask.fm too much hahaha. But again that depends on what you want to do with your time.
Liked by: Ucok Sasya


Iya thats the 2nd thing that came into mind when I read that question
Liked by: Ucok

fi, desc, impersonate jan

Tati Dian Pertiwi
Apa men ya first impressionnya Tati. Udah lupa aku tp dulu aku pikir km orgnya serem wk.
Tati itu temen X MIA 1 dan juga English Club. Pertama Tati itu orangnya agak aneh dia suka lebay dan khawatir berlebihan apalagi klo ttg guru dan pelajaran, dan dia juga sering lola banget dan mukanya dungu gitu klo lg lola. Tp sbnrnya tati itu pinter dan rajin, dan jg sgt multitalented. Pinter acting, nyanyi dan storytelling baik dlm bs inggris maupun bs bali. Hahaha pokoknya keren banget deh kalo Tati udh perform. Dan semakin lama dia jd semakin cantik dan elegan dan jg baik sm aku hahahha.
Dan lagi maaf aku gbs impersonate orang. Cuma bisa bayangin suaranya tp ga apa yg dibilang wkwk.

JANAAAA i demand fi, desc, and imperss from best speaker of nsdc!

Sandy, what a friend. My first impression of him was kind of negative. I first met him in Soetta airport on the way to Aceh, and I was feeling particularly sick and grumpy that time, so that affected my judgment. When he first came and talked I thought he was so loud and arrogant. Very extroverted, not really the type that I like.
But of course if this first impression was completely right I wouldnt stay friends with him until now. Sandy is the chigga (chinese nigga), i dont know where to start describing you lol. You are extremely sociable, but there are times where he is also serious. Like some of my other friends I admire his perseverance in life, the ability to stay bright and cheerful even in difficult times. Sandy is also very nice and loyal to his friends. I also appreciate your effort to approach and meet me, and am sorry if it is not returned with reciprocal effort. Sandy is also an avid english speaker who excels in debate (and MUN), one crew with Zachy and Biloks the hoe.
I'm really not good at impersonating, what is playing in my head when I try ks only when he says "anjing!" Wkwk sorry.

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Desc me jan >:3 mwehehe

Keila Ayu Bintang Anandasita is a smansa girl coming from a privileged background (powerful uncle and lavish mansion with swimming pool). She is sarcastic, funny, fierce, patient, sayur and apparently motherly. She is such a strong person (emotionally and physically) who shows life that she can survive any shit that life throws at her.
She is my NSDC teammate!!! I went through the most precious moments of my debating life with her. She is one smart and independent lady who dont need no paper nor help to shine in a debate. The funniest thing about her in debate is that she always gets emotionally angry and starts ranting with balinese on the bench when I'm trying to make my speech, and one time she said "shitty government" in a debate and I thought that was awesome hehe but even if she has closed her debating career she will always remain a legend and above all my very precious teammate. I will never forget all your hardship, contribution, dedication and sacrifices in being my teammate. Hope all goes well for you Keil!

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Language: English