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Ask @Iconophilia

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What's the best news you've ever received?

That my man came back to roleplay. That we were getting married. That we were expecting our little girl.

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Who will be the next person you will kiss?

My next and my only person i will kiss will be my husband. My daughter gets kisses, as well.

What place in your city do you like the most?

|| Downtown. It's historic, beautiful, and right off of the Ohio River.

Do you know somebody who likes to sing but can't hold a tune?

Cough cough. My hubby. I'm just kidding. I really don't know what he sounds like. He doesn't sing around me.

Why can people be so mean about the smallest, most innocent things others do?

They're just unhappy. Instead of responding negatively to them, give them some positive attention.

Everyone has a few demons, what's your worst one?

RoleplayGateway’s Profile PhotoRoleplay Gateway
|| Jealousy. My boyfriend has a lock on his phone now. It makes me nervous. Plus, he has an XboxLive account and of course.... Girls migrate towards him. I know he won't cheat, but I know how shady girls can be.
Liked by: Roleplay Gateway


Language: English