

Ask @Ikilledyoursenpai

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you come across as if you do saying you're one of the nicest people ever and that you get looaaaddds of compliments like okay you probably do fair enough but this their opinion not everyones

Look I'm honest, I'm trustworthy and I'm there for anyone, if you ask people who know me well, they will tell you I'm a nice person. I've never said I get loads of compliments, I just told someone who said most lads are repulsed by my figure, that I have had a fair amount of positive things said to me on how I look by lads. I may come across as cocky but I swear if you take the time to properly know me you'll understand why I act as I do and how it's easy to mix up confidence with being cocky.

not trying to be mean, but you've got a really big ego :')

How so? I can assure you I'm not cocky! But I am a girl with confidence and I'm not afraid to say things :3

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Honestly Blerthin, there are some people that "ask" you questions that seem quite retarded lol don't answer them, just click 'x' and ignore them, that way they can wallow in their self-pity on their own :)

Awh thank you c: I can take most of the abuse anyways so they fail to bother me

I heard you got punched. HA RAGE... You finally got what you deserved

I didn't get punched <3 who even said I did xD

Youre like the prettiest girl ino.. and your petite figure onlyvmakes you cuter dont mind de haturrss bbydolll

Awhhh this means so much <3 thank you :'3

I know, you just like anime, it's kinda hilarious tbh

I've watched no more than 4 anime in my life, a weeaboo would watch it constantly :'3

Quit sharing your ask, goddammit your constant plea for attention so fucking annoying.

I share it to plea for questions not attention gg anon <3

Its not healthy to be as thin as Blaithin dont envy her, whoever you are. Most lads are repulsed by how stick-like her legs are, its pretty unattractive tbh >:(

Shut up I'm confident and healthy, most lads give me compliments on how I look, Many people find me attractive and I take pride in being petite. Suck on it xoxo
Liked by: Sakura Tomoyo Chan

Instruments is just to break the ice because I don't know you :P tell me what your interests are then :)

I don't know you in general :c


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