

Ask @Im_yunahh

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Aloha men!! lu bosen? badmood? gua td abis post beberapa meme comic.. kalo lu minat liat,baca,like ye men!! kalo gk minat? gpp..free save foto men!!..maaf ask gak penting men .-.

[Actv] MonsX
Iya udah dicek tadi
Liked by: cxramewl

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pagi, maaf ya jarang muncul di qb kalian. yang ngeunfoll follow lagi ya ini udh aktif lagi. yg udh follow sharing pengalaman senang/sedih di rp yuk:3

MINAH (actv)
Hai👋 siang
Pengalaman senang dirp ? Waktu ketemu rp yuri gg trus kenalan bully bullyan dan sampe akhirnya temenan malah bestie rl😅💖💖
Liked by: cxramewl

ada 2 orang saudara yang suka berbohong. Ani berbohong di hari senin, selasa, dan rabu. Ana, berbohong pada hari kamis, jum'at, dan sabtu. Suatu hari, terjadi percakapan diantara mereka. Ani:"kemarin, aku berbohong kepada ibu guru" Ana:"kemarin aku berbohong pada ibu kantin" Hari apa ini terjadi ?

Mereke berdua sama sama berbohong ?

morning... sebutin ya top 3 bias top 3 dramkor top 3 korean song top 3 gb top 3 bb makasi☺☺

atal [h]
Top 3 bias : baekhyun, yoona, key
Top 3 dramkor : playful kiss, producer, lie to me
Top 3 korean song : missing you ((2ne1)), replay ((shinee)), dancing queen ((gg))
Top 3 gb : gg, 2ne1, f(x)
Top 3 bb : shinee, super junior, exo
Liked by: atal [h]

lebih suka main rp lewat askfm apa twitter? apa via lain? kenapa?

Karena saya udah leave di twitter dan juga ditwitter udah kacang banget jadi ga asik lagi mainnya, kalau diwa main juga tapi cuman tukeran no wa rp sama anak anak rp yang dekat sama saya aja soalnya wa dihp saya suka error karena kebanyakan chat hehe
Liked by: k

good morning rp-ers. thought on sasaeng fans? kalo gk ngerti coba pap foto bias atau chara terbaru. sekian dan terima kasih

A sasaeng fan is simply an overly obsessed fan to K-pop idols and they are not concidered as true fans. They stalk their idols and invade their privacy. The bigger groups or singers have at least 100 of full time sasaeng fans around them. They try to rip off their clothes, kiss them, steal their private stuff and they can even put cameras in stuff they give to them. They can break into their rooms, someone had hit them/him/her with a bag full of rocks, someone had put a camera in a teddy bear the gave to them and someone even put drugs into their drink. They will do anything to make them remember you, hit them, scream bad and mean things to them, they want to touch them so bad that they even could kill someone to get the cance to touch them. Some of the sasaengs even hire taxis to follow their k-idols and can speed up to 200km/h. To hire a taxi like that, it can cost up to $200 to $500 and can often be found outside concert halls, broadcast station and celebrity dorms.
((sasaeng fans are fuckin psychos))

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pernah bosen sm quest di qb ga? kalo iya quest yg kek gimana? gapernah bosen? pap idung chara lu. bye!

-kenapa charain chara kamu yang sekarang
-sebutin kelebihan dan kekurangan chara kamu
-bias kamu siapa ?
-kenapa biasin dia
Ya kalau yang nanya satudua mah gpp lah ini yang nanya hampir setengah isi qb quest nya gitu semua saya kudu jawab gimana?-_-


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