

Ask @Imahheartsyouh

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Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

just a few ones cos i love to keep my circle small

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choose one: together but not in love or in love but not together? ***pick wisely***

in love but not tgt?

Do you trust people more nowadays or less? And why?

i rarely trust ppl alr cos trust issues...🤭

no la im not the kinda guy who does that i just want one gf and be faithful to her but she had a bf lied to me about being single and played me on

wtf thats super heartless..but hey cheer up , im sure u deserve btr & just wait fr the right one yea 😉

How does one recover from depression; & how do we care for a loved one with it?

u cn show some love & support to them. alwys be there for them. spread positive vibes to them & mayb send motivational texts to them?


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