

Is love beautiful?

You know that feeling when you love a girl soooo damn much that you feel with her you own the world. And when she shares her tears on your shoulder you hold her heart within yours. Listen intently and with a loving ear for each tear that she shares with you is a part of her no one else will ever see, these are diamonds in the rough and she is the richest treasure you will ever know. Yeah it is beautiful. ♥
Liked by: Rashi Deeksha
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Jawline goals, Eye goals, face goals, hair goals, heart goals, person goals! Even partner goals!

People come to ask.fm to find answers, they become deep, they gain knowledge and humanity and you are trying to keep them at the surface, keep them shallow. What are you?

I'll ensure that you lose only your heart

Ahaha that's why I put it up there, on the sleeve, for you.

We'll start with a tight hug

I like how you innocently bring "start" in that action. A tight hug it is. Anything short of a bear hug and I'll lose faith.

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