

Ask @Infernia

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@Infernia + Daemon: do you want kids now or in the future?

Um, I'm not entirely sure. If I did have kids, I would want to have them a little later on in life (like around 30) so I could finish college, get a good job, and do any wild or crazy things I wanted to before settling down. In all honesty though, I don't really want kids.
Daemon; I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't mind kids I don't guess, but I feel like I wouldn't be a very good father. Constantly busy, stressed, not home enough, long business trips... I feel like I wouldn't want kids until I settled down a good bit and actually had time to spend with them.

How did you get such pretty feathers Daemon?

(I have decided to put it in story-form for you, dear anon. Just know that Ryker is Dae's best friend, and they were in a terrible accident on the way home from a party the night before and are now in the ICU at an emergency room. This is only part one, part two and possibly part three will follow.)
I laid in bed wide awake that night. I was too worried about Ryker. His labored, choked breathing, small whimpers, sound of his heart monitor slowing nearly to the point of a flatline, then picking up speed at a painstaking rate. The medical personnel were doing everything they could, but he only seemed to grow worse. I wasn’t sure how we had ended up like this. I mean, I knew, but I didn’t understand why it had to happen. I was sixteen, and Ryker was eighteen. Both of us were still in high school. We had so much to look forward to. Now, he was starting to wave good-bye to all of that, and I was balancing on a line of determination to keep fighting and exhaustion that screamed for me to give up. I let myself drift off to sleep. By the time the sun rose the next morning, I realized Ryker was so far over the edge I knew there was no coming back. He had given up, despite my pleading. It was driving me insane, having to listen to him drift in out of consciousness, struggle for every breath, and whimper every time he attempted to move even a fraction of an inch. Our parents had only gone home to change clothes and get breakfast, and would be back in about an hour or two. A stream of visitors- friends, family, people we barely knew- had been in and out for the majority of the night before, trying to talk to me and ask questions. I didn’t talk though, not to anyone. I had fallen into an unescapable abyss of depression knowing that my best friend would not be able here with me for much longer. I got permission from the nurse that had been watching over us to go to Ryker’s bedside. She helped me up from my own bed, helping me move my maze of wires, needles, and bandages to the side of the room where Ryker laid. The nurse left us alone, and as I stood there on weak legs looking at my best friend, I felt tears come to my eyes. I gripped his hand with one of my own.
“Please don’t give up, Ryker. I don’t know what I would do without you. You mean more to me than anyone else I’ve ever known. I have learned so much from you. You’ve always been there for me, and I need you now more than ever. Without you, things won’t be the same. Just think about all of the memories we’ve made, the things we’ve done together, how much we truly do need each other. I can’t help but feel like I’ve cheated you, like this should be me instead of you. I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. You’ve helped me face my fears, no matter how irrational, you’ve always believed in my dreams, no matter how ridiculous, and you’ve always had my back. You’ve always given me that extra push I need, supported my decisions, treated me like family… And for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough

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HOw's it going? What are you up to? What are you excited for?

Not really up to much... Struggling with all my courses and busy schedule as of late, but things seem to be calming down which is great. Online I am roleplaying Daemon and Cassian and doing a couple other things here and there. I can't really say what I am excited for, but I will give you a hint. -whispers- Daesian.... So many feels.
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

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@Daemon <3 Any new games on your "to play" list? Anything happen for the holidays? New Year's Resolutions? Any big planned for the 2015 year?~ Last three are to you as well Infernia~

For my New Year's Resolution, I planned to stop slacking off in my courses and spend more time working and studying. I also want to start working out more often, eating healthier, and try to stay in shape. My holiday was kinda.... uneventful, except for a couple things, but I did receive some pretty cool gifts which was great. c:
Daemon;; I actually have a list of games I can't wait to try out! So... I'll list the games, their possible release date, and what I plan to play them on:
-Grim Fandango Remastered, January, PS Vita
-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, March, Xbox One
-Bloodborne, March, PS4
-Below, Release Date TBA, Xbox One
-Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Release Date TBA, PS4
-Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Release Date TBA, PS4
Over this holiday, I spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I even had a close friend over, and it was absolutely amazing. (Actually, it's still great, as the RP is still going on. XD) As for New Year's Resolutions.... I really just want to continue to do well in my job and try to avoid as much stress as possible. I want to spend more time with my friends and family, and just go outside my comfort zone and try new things. It might now sound like much, but it's what I'm hoping for. I don't really have anything THAT big planned for 2015, except for the fact that I will get to voice my own character in a new video game I am helping an overseas gaming company create, and I may hit one million subscribers on my Youtube channel by the very end of the year. <3

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Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

So there's only one guy you really like?? I thought you had a crush on a few?...

Daemon;; Wellll.... One guy kinda moved on so that's obviously not an option anymore. XD The other... Maybe we lost a bit of our connection? I have been spending a good bit of time with the third lately, and in all honesty, I think I may like him as more than just a friend. I don't know. -hides-
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

@Daemon Why are you being so secretive with your possible crushes? Do the girls not like you back??

Daemon;; I'm not sure how this will work out! My crush probably doesn't even like me back. Besides, who says it is a girl?
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

@Daemon-- I saw you have three guys you want to spend christmas with? Can you tell up a little about each one and makes each guy special?

Daemon; I suppose it's only two now, because I see that one has already made plans.... But:
The first one is a quiet male from Dublin, with a great personality once he warms up to you a bit. I absolutely love being around him, even though he lives really far away from my home in Los Angeles. There are so many great things about him, but one thing that is really special to me is how well we get along. He's so easygoing and really helps to keep me grounded with my sanity intact.
The second is an outgoing male that really loves fashion. He always knows how to make me feel better, whether I'm just under stress from work or dreading waking up the next morning. Ari can always make me smile, or help me take out some stress, and he's always there, even on my worst days. He is also great to be around, and so much fun to hang out with. I don't know what I'd do without him.

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Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

What would you name your first child?

Hm. Although I don't plan on having children in the future, I think I would name my first child Dante/Dylan (if the kid was a boy) or Acacia/Aspen (if the kid was a girl).
Daemon; Well, I don't really think I want kids as of now. Once I'm older I'm settled down with a wife or husband, I might change my mind. I think I'd name my first child Lara if I had a girl and Nathan if I had a boy. (You get a gold star if you can guess where the names are from. <3)
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

@Both: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Would you stay there for forever, or just for a little bit?

Aah, this is a tough one. There are so many places I'd like to live. But, in all honesty, I think I would like to live somewhere like South Beach, Miami in Florida or Los Angeles, Calfornia. Somewhere with a beach, big city, lots of fun attractions, tons of people to meet, things like that. I would want to live there forever if I managed to find a place in either location.
Daemon; Hmm, I think I would choose Paris. I, personally, think this would just be an amazing place to live. Of course, I wouldn't want to stay there permanently, maybe only a couple months, but I would enjoy every moment spent there.
Liked by: Tenebrism Luna-puppy

@Daemon; If that special someone was feeling the effects of Winter, what would you do to warm them up? o v o

Daemon; There would be blanket/pillow forts by the fireplace, hot chocolate, unlimited movies and board games, and lots and lots of cuddling and snuggling. \(⌒▽⌒)/
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism


Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize to a few of you (you know who you are) for my absence in my current roleplays. My laptop has been giving me a lot of issues lately so I gave it to my uncle who is fixing it for me, and I should have it back within the next couple of days. I would try to respond on my phone, but I just absolutely struggle so much. :c In the meantime, I'd love to get some more questions for Daemon or myself. <3
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

Part Two for Answer About Feathers

"You know I can’t always be strong, and this is one of those moments. I mean, how can you stay strong when the one thing that gives your life meaning isn’t there anymore?”
Ryker didn’t say anything to me. He just squeezed my hand as tightly as he could muster and let out a whimper. It broke my heart.
“Ryk,” I started out quietly, “I just want you to know that I love you.”
His eyes fluttered open, looking straight into mine as he managed to croak out, “I love you too, Dae.”
Tears were streaming down both of our faces, and we refused to let go of each other. The heart monitor connected to Ryker was beginning to beep down, and this time a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach told me it was going to be for good.
(Two days later- At Funeral)
I stood in the back of the room, silently drowning in my own sadness as I watched each family member or friend step up to talk about Ryker. I was barely allowed to leave the hospital that evening, but had managed to convince the doctors and nurses to let me go for just long enough to attend the funeral. Now, I was beginning to wonder why I had come. Person and person stepped up and delivered their own speech, but I wasn’t really listening. I had already gone up to say what was on my mind, and now I just wanted to run. Time ticked by as the funeral proceeded, and I was avoiding everyone I knew. By the time I left the back room where I had been down on my knees, squalling like a baby, the entire building had nearly cleared out. Ryker’s parents, my parents, and Ryker’s little sister were the only patrons who still remained. I approached them at a limping gait, wiping at my bloodshot, swollen eyes. Ryker’s mother handed me a small, rectangular shaped box without a word. I went to open it up, trembling hands fumbling with the neatly-tied bow on top of it. The lid dropped to the floor and I was surprised at what I found inside of the box: three identical feathers, all colored in a variety of brilliant greens. There was a note, scrawled messily on a piece of paper. As I lifted it from the box and started to read, my eyes began to burn once again with the tears that flowed down my cheeks. They were from Ryker. The message scribbled on the paper felt like a knife to the heart. He had written it in the hospital, and asked for it to be delivered to me.
“Daemon, I’m sorry I couldn’t give these to you in person. You mean the world to me, and I want you to have something to remember me by. Promise me that you won’t ever give up. If you go down, I know you’ll go down fighting. I love you. –Ryker”

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Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

what about kiamaras? what are your favorite designs, or designs you'd like to own/purchase?

Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; -laughs- But evil overlord Cassiepoo commands you to release him! -clings to Daemon and laughs at almost being dropped- I'm actually part cat, I'll land on my feet if you drop me! -giggles and cuddles into him- The second time we go to the ER will be because I've overdosed you on love -laughs-

Daemon; I am afraid I can't do that, overlord Cassiepoo. The law on the penguin demands that I must protect the galaxy from evil overlords. -laughs- Even if you are part cat, and even if you would land on your feet, I don't think I would ever drop you on purpose. -smiles as Cass cuddles into him- Hey, sounds like I'll be doing WAY better than everyone else in the ER if you asked me. -chuckles-
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; -accepts hug and returns it- I may have to save the day if your surprise isn't totally amazabubbles -giggles- Any time spent with you is worthwhile, Dae! -kisses him quickly-

(Geez, I've got to get my butt into gear. Here we are still RPing Christmas/New Years while it's a day after Valentine's Day. XD)
Daemon; Well, you won't have to worry about any of that, because my surprise will be WAY more than amazabubbles. I promise. -chuckles- Aw, thank you, Cass. -kisses him back quickly-
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; I will get you into the kitchen before you can get me into that gaming room!! -grins- Or I'll just stick suction-cup balls all over your baby and hide the windex wipes until you surrender -walks off with slow, long strides-

Daemon; You wanna bet? -yelps at Cassian's plot, then takes off running after him- Come back here you little brat! -calls playfully, grabbing Cass and pulling him off of his feet and into his arms- To the gaming room! -chants loudly, chuckling-
Liked by: Tenebrism

@Dae: What would be a perfect gift for you?

Daemon; To me, the perfect gift is anything with sentimental value that a lot of thought went into. Those are always my absolute favorite gifts. I don't care if you offer to buy me the newest gaming console or the nicest car, I would rather have something from the bottom of your heart that you put meaning into.
Liked by: Tenebrism

@Dae: Life/Ship updates?

Um, not much is really happening in Daemon's life at this very moment. He had a wonderful Christmas/New Years with Cassian, which brings me to ship updates. These two are soon-to-be boyfriends as you may have seen on my page already! <3
Other than that, nothing much. Daemon is thinking about enlisting for the military, though.
Liked by: Tenebrism

@Dae: If you get angry, what is most likely the cause?

Daemon; Well, it's not really a secret that I get mad over the smallest things, like traffic, but I think the thing that bothers me most is when someone either talks to Cassian in a mean way or insults him. We are soon-to-be boyfriends which means that soon enough, when guys come up to him and are flirting, I may get a bit jealous as well, not just angry.
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; -laughs- Okay, okay! I'm sure the world is very glad to know that now! -grins- Oh? I thought it was? Oh well... -gives Daemon a kiss on the lips- Happy now? c':

Daemon; Well you're wrong, and I'm right. -whispers- As usual... -kisses Cass back, grinning- Yeah, I am. Thank you.
Liked by: Tenebrism

What was your characters childhoods like?

Daemon had a great childhood. He grew up in a nice home surrounded by supportive parents and amazing friends.
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; -gets startled but starts laughing- I never said to shout it out, weirdo~ cx But... Good enough! -gives him a teasing peck on the cheek-

Daemon; I just wanted everyone to know that you were the best, that's all. -grins as Cass kisses his cheek- Hey! That's not what we agreed on!
Liked by: Tenebrism


Language: English