

Ask @Infernia

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@Daemon and Infernia; If you were to have kids (pfft animals included I suppose, dogs are practically children, right? cx) What would you name them? And if you chose the pet as a child option; do you think you'd be a good parent to a real child?

I think that I will choose to take the option of not having kids when I grow up. With this economy and things being the way that they are.. I just don't know. I would definitely consider any dogs I adopt when I'm older as my children. I plan on getting two, and naming them Aspen and Adonis. I also believe that I would make a pretty good parent to a real child as well.
Daemon;; I am not sure where I stand on having kids at this point in time. I feel like I lean more toward not having kids, but I may change my mind. If I had any pets, it would definitely be a dog and I would obviously consider him/her my child. I'm not quite sure what I would name them at this time; I'd wait until I got to know the dog a little better. I also think that I would make a great parent, for obvious reasons. -laughs-

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@Daemon; Is there really much wrong with being a penguin? -winks and nudges back- // Cass; -random bouts of giggles in the background- Sorry, but penguins Q ^ Q

-laughs, shrugging shoulders- I don't know... I guess not. -winks back, followed by more laughter-

Cass; I'm pretty good! -saunters into view- I took my old Harley out for a spin the other day, haven't ridden it in eleven years -rubs back of head and laughs- That was great! Uhm, I fell on my face while rollerblading and threw a hissy fit and threw them under a passing car... I blame lack of sleep

Daemon;; That sounds awesome! Well... -looks at the ground and rubs back of neck- the first part at least. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. -smiles-

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@Infernia and Daemon; Favourite holiday destination? Favourite food? Opinions on cats? Opinions on dogs? Okay, I'll stop now >^<

My favorite holiday destination would have to be somewhere tropical. Anywhere tropical is fine with me, but two of my favorites are the Bahamas and Aruba.
My favorite food would probably have to be french fries. Healthy, I know.
My opinion on cats... Well, I am allergic to their hair. i think they are adorable, and I love them, but I have issues being around them for extended periods of time.
My opinion on dogs... I absolutely love dogs. I am definitely a dog person 100%.
Daemon; My favorite holiday destination would have to be either St. Lucia or Aruba. I'm not a big fan of cold weather, so I take any excuse to be in a warm, tropical area.
My favorite food would have to be.... Grilled chicken? Salmon? Pasta? I love everything, to be honest.
My opinion on cats... They are very extremely cute, and I wouldn't mind having one as a pet one day.
My opinion on dogs... I love them. Out of all the possible pets, I would pick them over anything else. Recently, I have been thinking about adopting one actually.
(No need to stop. I love getting questions from you. <33)

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@Daemon; If you could dye any colour to your fur, what colour would you choose, where would you want it and why? o v o

Daemon; Hmm... I suppose that if I could dye my fur I would dye it lime green. It would probably take place of all of the black on my body. I wouldn't be a penguin anymore! -nudges with elbow and starts laughing-
Liked by: Tenebrism

@Daemon (casually asks more); What is the longest you've sat in front of a screen and played video games?

Daemon; Pfft, I could probably play for about three days straight, buuut, I think the longest would have to be about eight hours for a competition at 'work'.

Cass; I could've dropped dog-doo on your head if that is your preference? -laughs and peeks out from hiding spot- How've you been? c':

Daemon;; Nope, never mind. I'm glad it was flowers. Thanks, Cass. -chuckles and smiles at him- I have been good. Pretty busy, but good. What about you?

Cass; -manoeuvres a flower crown onto Daemon's head with a fishing pole- e v e fufufu -slips away silently once the deed is done- (And the flower bandit strikes again cx)

Daemon;; -looks around confused- What? Where the heck did this come from? Ugh, flowers... Really???
-pulls flower crown off head, still looking around for the culprit-

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

The first thing I ever learned to cook was spaghetti.... It didn't turn out too well.
Daemon: Does cereal or frozen waffles count?

If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Oh, that's easy. Definitely Rio de Janeiro. I have always wanted to travel there.
Daemon: Tough one... I would probably either go to a foreign country or maybe back to my hometown of Rochester, New York.

How many games do you have on your phone?

*picks up phone to count* ...66. No wonder I hardly have anyspace left. >.<
Daemon: Uhm, like 45-50 maybe? I don't know.

Language: English