
♛ Ballll ♛

Ask @Iqbaliszhar

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My little brother is gay. He came out to me (thru ws) because he trusted me, I know it's hard when it comes to this sexuality thing. I swear I do not hate him, he's still my lil brother that I adored. The problem is we're muslim, he's a muslim. What should I do guys?

keep on advised him.. never judge him.. you need to keep advised him so that he keeps on the right track.. say to him, perasaan boleh dipupuk... but never with the same gender... it is test from Allah either he can handle it or not.. all the best ... you can do it.. ???

Best juga ask fm ni sejak ada shout out. Org dlm ni pun supportive dan pandangan pun bernas. Cuma ada la certain people yg simply panggil org bodoh dan jwb mcm agak rude sikit. Tapi takpe, mmg la bnda ni ada pro dan cons kan. Pepandai la pakai utk kebaikan.

yep.. true though...

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Language: English