
Lizzy ❤

*hugs back* You're right. And I'm sorry I haven't talked to you lately. TBH I forgot about you a bit because of all the things I've had going on

No, it's ok. Don't worry. Thanks for being honest, though! I've had shit going on too. Someone made a. Fake kik account and pretended to be me, and they ruined one of my friendships and since I lost so many friends at school and since idk whose been harassing me, I'm thinking of transferring to my friend Mariah's school.

Latest answers from Lizzy ❤

For what you thing you never get old?

Classic movies, such as "Mean Girls", and classic music, such as Fur Elise by Beethoven. Depends on what a person has experienced and what they have been exposed to.

What's one thing you will never do?

idk, trapeze? Pretty scary and risky, but its beautiful from a distance

How does the Internet influence your life?

its used everyday. media, issues, contacting friends, etc. I would say it has a great impact on how people are shaped

Do you think money can buy happiness? ?

its tricky, cus without money u can suffer, but with too much, u can as well. not fully, but somewhat

Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

probably. like, a person going into a new relationship missing an ex

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