

Ask @IsaacTingley

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What do you look for in a girl? And how would you treat her and look after her?!x - btw you are so hot.

A good personality, yeah I do like a girlfriend that has good looks and is cute looking but looks isn't everything I guess. I like them if they have a good personality but if they don't then that's that haha, I like a girl that's just that little bit shorter than me just right for kissing them on the head. A girl with blue, green or brownish eyes, erm also a girl who doesn't worry much.. A relaxed girlfriend. Perfect type of girlfriend would be where on rainy days we would just stay in bed with blankets and watch films all day cuddling and doing cute shit. A girlfriend where they don't care if they weren't wearing make up in front of me and who can wear joggers all-day with me. But i have to say most girls look beautiful without make up anyway! But I just want a girlfriend where we can be all cute in public and I wanna girlfriend who I can spoil. I will do anything for my girlfriend like literally anything! i think i would die for mine. But yeah I like a girlfriend who I can laugh with, cry with and just generally have a good time with and have memories that I will never forget with. But I want a girlfriend who is trust-worthy, I want a girlfriend who i can tell all my troubles to and not be bored of me after like a few weeks I dunno haha. - This is how I would treat her I would hold her hand obviously, hug her, be clingy, kiss her unexpectedly, make her feel safe around me, call her cute names and just generally be cute with her. Treat her like a princess try my hardest to make her happy everyday, take cute pictures with each other on our cute days out and the lazy days we would have. Do random stuff together, we would be like bestfriends as well as boyfriend and girlfriend. If my girlfriend was down I would be there to comfort her I'd be her shoulder to cry on and would wipe away the tears, I'd probably cry with her aha because I'm a fucking softy sometimes. Urm we would go on cute walks in the evening, I'd try to be the cutest boyfriend possible but not too protective as that always ruins relationships. If she wanted to talk to other boys then that's fine I would trust her but if I did find out that anything had happened then obviously noses are getting broken. I would be one of those boyfriends that wouldn't focus on anyone else's opinions on us as-long as my girl is happy I'm happy I would want what's best for her, Basically she would be my princess and I would be her prince.- Also I would Give her one of my T-shirt's to sleep in kiss her in front of my friends, leave her a cute text to wake up to and always remind her she is beautiful. I would let her fall asleep in my arms, watch film's she want's to watch and enjoy the time we are spending together, I would give her the world and let her wear my clothes, kiss her in the rain, protect her no matter what, be there for her when she needs me and I would never take her for granted. And have cute playfights with her as they're just the best. And no I'm not ahaha but thank-you anyway cutie x

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