
Isiah McCants

Ask @IsiahMcCants

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idk both

hah well on instagram pretty much all of them. but on twitter umm katy. katie. Megan J. and Megan S. Nicole. Taylor F. haha there's more

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I'll be watching for you in the two most popular pro leagues in America hahahahahahahahahahaha

I mean I don't see why you are laughing? It's the truth. You can just join all the other haters than will one day be fans. Have a great night.

That's hilarious. I'm sure about 500,000 other young guys have a dream like that. You have to be good at basketball and football first bud.

Hahahahahaha well I'm sure 500,000 other dudes do have that dream. but the only difference my dream will become reality. and if you don't think so then I'm here to prove you wrong.

What legacy are you starting lol

I'll be remembered as one of the greatest NBA players ever. Then I'll retire and get drafted to the Nfl and be the best quarterback ever.

That's funny lol you could not get a girl if you wanted to because no girl what's you and I'm not even trying to be mean you're too aggressive when it comes to girls and you just pour yourself all over them and its really annoying.

Hahahahahahahahahahahhaha I don't know who you are but that was funny. Now clearly you don't want me but you obviously have no idea what I do around other girls. I'm not aggressive at all. so mabye I don't even like you but you think I do. I have no idea.

Are you desperate to find a girl?

haha nahh not at all. If I really wanted a girl I could get one. But I'm just waiting for the right one.

What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

Haha nahhh not at all. If I really wanted a girl I could get one. I'm just waiting for the right one. If you know what I mean.

Gimmy one reason to

Because I want you too. And because if you're somebody I used to know then I want to get to know you again!

Not that simple my ass. Hu all the bitches you ever had on lock. Man it ain't that hard

I don't see why it matters to you. lol

Bro obviously some bitch misses you. Hhu and go hit it.

Lmao Well since idek who that person was talking About it's not that simple

Friends. And I'm not one of them. But I know of a few people that would like to talk to you again. But like, you really don't have anything to lose so why won't you try?

Well I dont know who you're talking about

Okay, you have a point. I know of 3 people. Pick one of those three and ill tell you who I am... if its anyone else than ill habe no clue.

How do you know these people? I have a feeling that you're one of these people so tell me who you are and I'll talk to you

How bout you just do what you said you would... if you do, ill tell you who I am.

How would you know if I did it?


Language: English