
Maggie Chu

why do u try to act like ur hot, but fish for compliments by putting yourself down, ps. just be ur ugly self

lol anon ur hilarious actually, when did I act ike I was hot, its it wrog for me to have self confidence in myself. I'm sorry if you honestly don't have respect for yourself, but you should learn to respect others ike we've always learned to, since kindergarten. If you have real recorded proof of me putting myself down and me acting like im "hot" then confront me in person. I cannot tell you how cowardly and stufpid I think you are right now, like if you have a problem with me then talk to me in person, honey, lets be real, when you sit your but down and give me hate on ask, as an anon, you are pretty much broadcasting to the whole internet and anyone who goes on my ask, that youre too cowardly to talk to me nd give me hate in person. When do I ever fish for compliments, and how would you know I ever do? I keep a tight circle of friends almost everywhere, and I know for a fact they wont ever be fake to me, if they hate me they'll tell me in person, so how would you know im "fishing for compliments by putting myself down" unless you stalk me lmao
anon, honey, how would you like it if I said this kind of shit to you. try saying this infront of me to your mother or your crush. I bet you wouldn't, too embarrassed, eh? after all you cant even tell me to my face ;)
And please, youre probably in school, well its a law, so even thought your not writing a hate letter, you could at least capitilize, and spell things how they actually are you little shit.
I don't give a living shit about who you are, so why should you waste your time giving shit to me
like really, b really
I deal with your kind of crap everyday, don't expect me to care. Im writing this response while im listening to sicker remixes than you've ever heard in your petty little hating life.
If you really hate me then work hard at school and study instead of giving some "ugly self" some hate lmaoo
and when you get a kickass degree then top me at my own game lmao. After all im just Asian so beat me at me own game bitch, academics
lmao your stupidity amazes me to the point of no return.
P.s make up your mind, if I say im ugly, you say I fish for compliments, if I say im confident, you think im acting like im hot. Do you have any idea how long it took me to gain self confidence? I was "the ugly friend" before, but I grew out of that superficial fake shell and I will be who I am, even if its my ugly self, mark my words. you can throw any of your petty hate rachet shit at me and ill come back, because unlike you I have self confidence and actual close friends. not the ones who are fake and will feed your ego for you. (thank you eng clique, mana, Carmen etc. ). You don't even know what you want from me, one second you tell me to be confident, and the other you tell me to stop being so proud. I don't have time for your kind of stupid shit, unlike you I have an academic life so excuse me, I have to study for a French test, and finish two projects
P.S: *Why *you *you're *then *you *P.S *Just *your
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Courses and teachers this semester?

English 10- idk I forgot
Photography 11 - brockest
Accounting and finance 11- lam
History 10- klobuchar

Language: English