
Summer Nicole Pugh

Ask @Itsmesummerpugh

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This is whitleys friend and she is to old to fight someone as pathetic and worthless as you. So grow up little girl! In maturity. Don't act your size!

Ok what ever but she should pick her own fights or what ever the fuck this is and do it herself then have someone else to and if this immature why are you still talking to me ✋✋ ok

I feel like you have a lot of tension going on right now with her why don't you bitch to her straight up instead of being immature and bitching on ask.fm cause all we're doing is laughing at your pathetic self cause you obviously have no life otherwise you wouldn't give a shit an wud shut up by now

Um Whitley we know this is you nobody gives a shit what you think If you have a problem you should talk to me at school then to point at me and laugh and all this bull crap saying your going to hit me plz do it would make my day to know that you actually did what you said you were going to do bye ✋

And poor him atleast he won't be missing out on anything cause you ain't much. And dot have much to offer

Actually you don't know what the hell your talking about or he wouldn't have bothered with me so yeah I wasn't ready to put out yet so why don't you go bother someone else to busy being better than you bye ✋✋✊

Well she must be way!!! hotter than you I wouldn't touch you with a 100 foot poll

Same for you honey and she's not she tries to be but she's not

I y'all were so called "so talking" what happened? And try not to lie

His ex got in the way like she always does all he wanted to do was to sleep around so there perfect for each other

He's way outta your league that's by I know. #troll

Bull crap you don't know shit so stay out of my business and yes we were talking thank you your just mad cause he didn't talk to you ✋✋


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