

Ask @JJFenceJumper

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What does the life you want to live look like?

It looks like I have enough money and I live alone but I'm dating someone who just moves around a lot and my schedule's always full with things to do but I don't procrastinate from doing them b.c they're things i really want to do

Fite meh at PAX kid, I'd wreck you like BajanCanadian wrecked all of TC in the TC Animated Video bruh!

Try me kid, I'll go all Antvenom on you like the YT hunger games
Liked by: LetheTheSir

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Do you prefer books or movies?

I love both but idk I'd love to just be able to watch things but books can be so much more in depth and can expand on so much and is just more for the reader to interpret themselves so books I guess

What is the craziest thing you have ever done for money?

Drank a bottle of gatorade, hot sauce, apple juice, and ranch. Definitely worth

What would you like to see written on your gravestone?

Pizza lover, game player, school hater, drug dealer, creature enthusiast, food eater, drink drinker, fence jumper.

Language: English