

your header omf

Story time! Okay, it all began during math class about a week ago. I was a bit too social with all mah frands during the beginning of class, so Grayson, who sat a few seats away told me, "Jessie, Mr. Morgan wants to talk to you."
So I turned to the teacher and was like, "Yes?"
He said something but it was drowned by all the noise that was around us, so judging by how his words were shaped, it seemed like he said "cocaine".
And puzzled I was, I was like, "Cocaine?"
Suddenly, everyone was silent and the teacher said, "What are you high on?" It turned out that he actually said "good morning", not "cocaine". For the rest of the day, I was teased for my "drug abuse".
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What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

Westeros becoming the super hot dragon queen's bitch

there used to be a website where you would type something in and then you would record it so in the end you saw what you typed out as a gif of you typing it, what website was it ??

Idk but I remember it from a long time ago?? Sorry

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