

Ask @JJWriterz

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don't hate yourself okay, love yourself love the fact that you're a cow god

and love the fact that you love da cow god? c:

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welll....i have to do something or else i'd have no life. so hp obsession it is.

we all have no life
that's how we roll

u should oovoo with me and charlotte p ok and maybe tara if she gets back on

xJustLindsey’s Profile Photolindsey
you're asking me to oovoo you
I haven't downloaded yet but are you sure it's not gonna be some awkward thing lolol

One thing u like about all your Wattpad friends

They're incredibly lovely. i.e:
telling me I'm pretty when I'm not
telling me I'm good at writing when I get 80s in writing at school
believing that I'm amazing, wonderful, perf and all those other lovely things when I'm just me
cheering me up when I'm depressed
I can always talk to them
Having stuff in common with me so I don't feel like some crazy person
Yeah I just gave examples because I wanted an excuse to say more than one thing lolol

Get all your cows together and we can call that an army

my cows are peaceful tho
natalie we are LeighLovers we spread love not hate (and/or destruction to Britain)
shame on you
Liked by: Alyssa

fine hate me go ahead

I love you, okay? Like, a lot. Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. Ilysm.
I'm making a whole "I hate how..." list about myself in my head and it won't stop
Liked by: s

you want to be a nanny who has to take cares of, like, 5 kids? that seems like a lot of work, Jessie.

but i'd be so eccentric and pretty and famous omg

wait, are you telling me that you're not Jessie from the Disney Channel TV show Jessie? :o

l wish l could be her

have a horrible day slut l hope your mother dies. oh, and you suck. you think you're so cool but you're not . a zombie could write better than you. your writing deserves to be stomped on.

jessie is a retard
... if you say so.


Language: English