
Jack Milburn

Ask @JMilburn12

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Logan is the best male coverist hands down. He sounds like a real recording artist. I can't believe he hasn't been signed yet. You must listen to him. He's amazing


Logan keatts(look up on yt) is the best coverist in this community. He sounds like he's been trained by professional vocal coaches. He sings so well. I think he will be signed to a record label in the future.


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Logan Keatts is so mean. I asked him for a duet and he didn't even reply! Just because you are really talented and popular doesn't mean you can just ignore people!


don't you think janny (taylordemigaga) is annoying and untalented?

No I think she's extremely talented and one of the nicest people actually so fuck off

If the Kpop Coverist Community had a welcoming commitee, who you think should be on it and why? Who would make new coverist feel the most welcome?

well pretty much everyone is welcoming and friendly so I don't think you can specify certain people >.< I guess people that have been doing it for longer would be able to help more so idk

how come your mixing is always so much better in your own stuff than other peoples?

Casting... And when I do it for my own I do it as I receive parts so I've usually been working on it for like a month whereas others send me the complete folder and usually want it done quickly so it puts me under more pressure and I don't have as long to get it right

not long ago you said mike seems alright and now you're slating him?

I said I don't know him well but he seems alright that doesn't mean I agree with things he's done

Why does everyone hate mike? what's actually happening with him?

why the fuck u asking me?
Everyone hates him prob cos he randomly appeared and wasn't afraid to speak his mind but that backfired cos he just got a load of a shit. That and no one actually knows who he is cos he's a fake lol he used someone elses pics or something aha I don't have time for that tbh
And idk what's happening and tbh don't really care whatever happens in his life is his business idc really it's all just rumours and shit

apparently, mike/harisburdick1 is signing a contract with one of the big 5 companies in korea. The exact one isn't confirmed yet i think

i don't care

What do you think now that Impa(impaofswedan), Bryan(salvmaknae), and Mike(harrisburick1) are leaving the coverist community?

They're moving on to better things which they'd be dumb to pass up. Youtube covers are a hobby not a career

What do you think of harrisburdick1 and taylordemigaga?

I don't really know Mike very well but he seems alright and I love Janny she's talented and a really nice person... I think a lot of people judge them without knowing them when they're both really nice imo

Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

is this even a question like wtf it goes without saying you don't do that


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