Joshua Berry


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lmfao thanks. because im talking to a friend and her brother does that to her all the time! so i thought id ask strangers their opinions. lol so do you have an older brother though?

@Airleejacobs wtf is this
Liked by: Airlee

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?


Tbh - josh had our ups and our downs ? arguing over pathetic shit. You're alright I guess ?

Airleejacobs’s Profile PhotoAirlee
Hahah yehhhh, ? thanks Airlee ✌️

Thoughts on Jackson Devereux getting blind and having to play footy the next day? Plus him getting with 4 different chicks in one night?

Love him ❤️


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