
Jacob Evans

Ask @J_evans23

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Jumped up and down, did cartwheels, twirled, liked a row of your very first insta pics.....no response from you. Maybe golden melanin ain't your thing, humph! 😘

Like all my basketball pictures then

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Well since I wasn't in your top 3.....I'll give you 10 guesses. What's the point if you get all of them wrong? It only means you were never checking for me. Hint: We've never met so choose who'd you would have like to have met. Remember like the first pic. 😘

Make yourself noticeable lol. Like give me some good hints

Wrong! Plus you cheated. How you gon like two different girls picture..lol You are a slick one 😘

How I cheated???

Wrong again! Amber Rose? You wish....so many admirers I could see you'd have trouble. Hint: Artsy, sporty, future doctor and come fall we'll be 500 miles a part. Got to run but just tweet 😘 when you want to play again 😘

That could be a lot of people. Let's play again!

If you know, like my first picture. Or like the first two pictures of who you really want it to be. If you are right then it's meant to be 😘

Hmmmmm 😏😏😏

Can't help it if you're slowwww...lol I did try!! Best of luck in Cincy 😘

Ik who this is. 😊

Scared..you are in Cincy now so too bad so sad. You'll never know 😘

Aww man what a tease! 😂😂

Who are you most excited to play next season? Iowa State who could come to fifth third ranked in top 5? Butler? Uconn? Vcu? Xavier? SMU?

All of them! I'm looking forward to playing against collegiate athletes
Liked by: Ryan Hickey

So, I've liked your pics, favorited your tweets all in the effort of getting you to notice me. No response from you so should I just take it as you aren't interested?

Lol Go like my first pic so I can know who you are. Don't be scared!!

What advice would you give to an 8th grader on how to make it d1.

Work on your game everyday. And never take a game for granted


Language: English