
Jack Dingley

Ask @JackDingley

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What is the most important thing that you should do today?

Well I have work, I guess that's important, I would say ride my bike but doubt it's gunna be ready to pick up today

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If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Buy a few bikes, some food, stuff for my family oh and stuff for Michael coz he's gay

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

I never feel proud of myself tbh haha I never do anything I can take pride in, I seem to be shit at everything 😂

Do you miss anybody?

I didn't think I did, but recently Iv realised I really do miss one person 😕

I wasn't even laughing at what they were asking I was laughing at why they were asking me Ahahaha wtffff 😂

I know it was weird haha Iv been tryna work out who it was haha

Yes but she is just laughing :/ and thank you, I'm not interested in sex. I just love spending time with her! Seeing her smile! Hearing her voice! It sounds sad but she is amazing

That's great. Do whatever u think is best

Hello. I am a 17 year old boy and I really like a 14 year old girl... Is this wrong? I'm not interested in sex or anything. Just want to know what people think because she makes me so happy! She likes me too but we are both worried about the age gap. Thank you

Ahaha are you the same person who's asking Carrie?! 😂 honest answer, I don't know if it's weird, if she makes you happy then who cares about the difference, I mean it would be illegal for you to have sex and you could get in major trouble if you did it 😂 but if you like each other I guess I wouldn't say anything against it...if you make each other happy then fuck what anybody else says...
Liked by: connor cryer

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Tournament in selby with my under 10's on Saturday, and sleep on the Sunday haha

What is your lucky number?

129499585402873729573610572626384726496826385937295927592738502747405727395837295837295837273763377383637583929824748382927262637483732233211125900187373727111747274771848373811758383838384727183643626194638291649274028482 :)

What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

Guardians of the Galaxy has a great soundtrack! And submarine! And transformers! And billy Elliot! Omg there's loads

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

Rather drive myself in fact I'd rather just have a bike

How come your getting a different bike now? Are you getting 2?

Nooo, the person selling the white one obviously doesn't know what a deposit is 😂 so I bought the grey one instead! Isn't she pwetty?!


Language: English