
Jack Davin

Ask @JackEggbased

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Are you romantic? Why or why not?

Anyone who knows me knows the answer... I'm a romantic to a fault. I think girls deserve to be treated properly and in a time where guys who know that are few and far between I believe that stands out. You'll notice nobody who wears basketball shorts in January and uses words such as "yo", "nigga", or "homie" is in a serious relationship. Ironic, no? Respect cannot be bought and those who give it to you until you prove you don't deserve it are valuble. That is the one time I will pat my own back.
Liked by: mathsheen1337

um that was only 4 things u like about your gf *shifty eyes*

okay fine Maggie...
I know she loves me too ❤✨

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Have you ever got put over the knee as a kid

Are you saying that because I'm an arrogant son of a bitch? No. Not even once.

Why don't you answer?

Ask me an interesting question and it won't take me four months to be bored enough to care.

You favorite boy name can't be your own

Why not? I think it's a great name. Call me a narcissist, I'm just telling you what my favorite boy name is. Not worshipping myself.


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