
Jack Lanza

Question 1: Which are you among other people - a leader, a follower, or a nonconformist? Why? (A nonconformist is someone who doesn't go along with what everyone else is doing)

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
I find myself as a nonconformist. I tend to prefer to do my own thing instead of taking or giving orders. I feel more comfortable working with self-motivation.
It's easier to work not when someone orders me to, but when I order myself to. It's not fear, money, or hunger that forces me to work harder, but it's the thought of how it furthers me for the future and now. And giving orders is not something I do well either as where's the fun in being bossy?
I'm a nonconformist all the way.

Latest answers from Jack Lanza

You're really cute and seem kinda perfect... Smart but athletic, cute but not stuck up... You follow me on Instagram and commented on my picture yesterday so I kinda started to lurk on your page.. I'm doing this anonymously, but I hope you can figure out who this is and maybe we can talk sometime?

Thank you, that one made my day :D but sorry to say my memory is anything but perfect haha. You can dm me if you want to talk though :)

Ur cute af and I don't have a question but ur hot and u should date me probs

Awww thank you 😊 feel free to ask me not on anonymous we can talk!

I like this girl but to scared to talk to her, what should I do?

The important part is being confident. The only way they will see you as likable is if you see yourself as likable. From there try talking to her. I don't know if you're friends with her or not so try talking to her and making a joke or two. It'll feel good for you to see her smile and feel free for her to be smiling and happy.

I'm going to be sending out statements for the next few days and you have to pick whether you agree or disagree and explain why. Question 1: Remaining silent is sometimes the best choice in situations. (This is basically saying it's okay to lie in some situations)

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
Remaining silent is not the right thing to do. If you're trying to protect someone by lying, sooner or later they will learn the truth. And when they do, it's going to hurt them even more that you didn't tell them sooner or let them know. So if it's someone you love or care about, be honest with them. Maybe sugarcoat the truth and give it to them, or look at it optimistically when you tell them. Lying however will never be the solution.

Question 1: If a student does poorly on a quiz/test, should they be able to retake it/fix their mistakes or should they be given the grade they received originally? Why?

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
Personally I think that they should be able to retake, but they should not be told what they did wrong, and the test should be changed up (questions jumbled up and answer choices too). The conditions of students are different when they take a test. You never know what the child is going through out of school and he should be allowed a second chance to prove he knows his stuff. But there should be a limit to how many times he can do this.

Question 1: Why do you think some people care so much about the amount of likes/followers they have?Does it give them a sense of validation or confidence if they have a lot of followers or get a lot of likes?

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
I feel like people care a lot about their likes and follows for one of two reasons. The first of which, is that it means a lot to them. It's reassurance that they're doing something right. Think of it as a compliment in real life, just that the person doesn't know you or didn't have the courage to do so in rl. It makes the person genuinely feel warm inside. Other people, whom have the second reason for wanting them, can lose sense of the friendly intention of the likes. They mistake it for social stature. They seek out likes and follows solely for the reason of trying to "fit in" or "be cool". But precisely, what does it accomplish if you're either of those two things? The correct answer was nothing because you're still the a human. It can provide some confidence, but it can also provide dangers and other non-desirable side effects. In the long run, trying to fit in is more dangerous than it is worth. Just be happy with yourself, and other people will be happy with you over time.

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Question 1: If someone is rude to you, are you more than likely rude back or do you try to "kill them with kindness"?

sqpersonal’s Profile PhotoHaley
To be honest, I'd be more likely to walk away haha. If they're being straight up rude to me, they're not worth my time. If they want to bring me down, I'm going to be the better person and not pay attention to them. Cause in the end does it matter what they think? Nah!

Language: English