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Latest answers from ∞Jacqueline

Heute ist der internationale Ask a Question Day! Welche Frage möchtest du allen @ASKfm-Benutzern weltweit stellen?

warum ist die Banane krumm ?

Wer kommt aus Eschweiler und hat Lust in die Shisha bar zu gehen? I know mega weirde Frage ein man die Person nicht kennt😅😂

wo zur hölle ist eschweiler haha

This way of writing.. Makes me not understand.. I wanna you explain with talking and from alphabet

wait where r u from ? your english seems kinda weird haha

Almost after year.. Now I. M learning in a colleage

ah alright .. I mean german can be hard u guys only use „the“ for like everything but we have to decide between „der, die, das“ I can imagine how hard that must be 😆

Ok can you download kik

ufff used to had it a while ago but not really a fan of it .. when will u visit germany ?

This so difficult.. Not here but wanna listen to you direct on another application

maybe it seems so but it’s not that hard think spanish is way harder to learn haha . sure no problem :)

Language: English