
Jacob Shibley

Ask @JacobShibley971

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Ur such a nice person religion is a lot of fun with you, your so kind and caring and a great friend ur gourgeous and really funny and I know I can tell you anything caz ur one of my best friends
Liked by: Julia

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oh so u never did anything nice for any girl?

No I did on valentines day I gave my gf a mug that said I love u beautiful on it with chocolates in it I gave her a heart neclass with a diamond in it so ya that's a couple things

oh i see; was it a fun relationship? my was really great and it was still great after but when we stopped seeing each other it just died... i mean the feelings kinda died but im hoping that we can still have fun this summer.... if not as a couple then at least as friends

That's cool lol

wow great! and it sounds like it wasnt anything serious anyway; I mean fb relatioship? Cant really love someone over fb lol

Know I mean that's how we first started to talk

its fine, I will probs get back with my ex bf when my parents send me again to Florida this summer and u will probs get back with ur gf to, but its fun talking to u lol

I won't get back together with my x trust me on that one

then how do u get to know people if not by meeting them? how did get to know ur gf? sorry ex gf lol

Started talking over fb

u really dont care? why? just cuz im younger or cuz u not over completely yet? Btw Im turning 14 end of this month

No I just don't know u

i love art and im really good at it and I like music i play piano when did u learn to play the guitar?

Wat do u look like

what do u mean by athletic? like with some muscles or something? people tell me that im very pretty and tiny but not into any sports really... is that bad?

No just in shape lol and I love sports but I don't really care

hey its Jul, are u going to answer my questions? and the one about ideal girl?

Lol I just like fun athletic nice pretty girls and more just don't feel like putting it

do u have any sisters or brothers? pets? how tall are u? what music do u like? can u sing or play instruments?

1 brother a dog 5;6 lots of music I play the guitar


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