
Jade Clark ♡♡

Do you miss being friends with brianna?

I miss her . The OLD her . Not the new her , that thinks she's such a fucking hard bitch , and can run all over me . I will always be there for her , if she came to me . But we will never be as close as we were . Or even friends , we can be chill , but na . Not friends . I don't miss being friends , sense she changed majorly . ha .. Yeah .
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Latest answers from Jade Clark ♡♡

I aint thirsty...Just cause you cant except compliments. And im taken...just remember that,,

well , whe nsome random ass motherucker hits me up & says all this , and complements me , & I'm taken , I'm gonna be smart . Ha. & if you're in a relationship you shouldn't be complimenting other bitches ,

why are you rude to everyone.ugly cow.

lmao . I knew i was an ugly cow.. lamo x'D & Aggghh , I'm not rude , i just make sure bitchesssss know daaaat i'm takennn.

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