
Jaime Morgan

Ask @JaimeMorgan

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Of course! Where else would we go?

More places than just the Bahamas? This is going to be one amazing honeymoon! :)...Why don't we just travel the entire world while were at it? Go big or go home right?

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What is your most played song at the moment?

wreaking ball by Miley cyrus! haha I wish it wasn't, but I get so addicted to it haha

what are you self conscious about?

That's an interesting question haha.. umm, well if I were to write out everything I think I would max out the word limit on here haha But I think the biggest thing I'm self conscious about is definitely the way I look!
Liked by: Cailin Dahlin

Have you ever been in love?

Good question, I thought I was at a time, but looking back now, honestly I don't know!

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

New candy taste tester? haha I don't know this is a weird question! haha

I'm being serious! You're totally a 10/10, and you should remember that. :) Guys should totally be fawning over you!

aww gosh you're too sweet!! but nah, I think you're thinking of someone else! ;P

Why are you amazingly creative

haha Aww thanks! It's all because of you ;) haha Just kidding, I don't know, why is the sky blue? ;P

Language: English