
My Butterfly for Yours

Ask @JakeConnerCushley

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If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

Put down your phones, come away from you screens,
Turn to the person to your left, take their hand,
Unite with others, from all different scenes,
Take their ups and downs, and turn them around.

Till what age would you like to live and why?

I'd like to live longer than most, but shorter than some,
The reason unknown, but oh well whats done... is done.

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Out of all your friends who is the most hurt and damaged

I don't have many friends and I've not been startled with many problems as of recent! wouldn't mind helping someone new to be honest!
Liked by: Chloe Collick

Aw yeah definitely! I miss you too jacob!xx

Hehe :D Dunno what to say but when are yah working? ;) I'll drop by for some food hahahahahaaa xx

Have you ever stolen anything?

Yes and if you wish to know what then it is the hearts of a few girls whom of wish hate me with all their once stolen hearts! At the end of the day i gave them their hearts back because they weren't mine to keep when they were sleeping or flirting with others.

Do you think that you’re a good person?

What defines someone as good... I mean society is what dictates whether someone is good or bad... Therefore go and ask society!

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

I shouted then they shouted then they hit me in the face so i grabbed their arm twisted it behind their back, kicked out the back of their legs and held their arms behind their back with their face pressed into the ground... People don't realise I'm stronger than i look.

How can you change the World?

By saving those who were once in a place like i was... Those who are oppressed, depressed and are suffering because they cannot handle it anymore.

How often do you use your brain?

Technically all the time but god gave man a brain and a penis but only enough blood to run one at a time.

Who sent the last text message you received?

"Fuck you! You little prick go and get hit by a train and your shitty job If you ever even look in my direction i will fucking kill you fuck you, you cunt" As you can see they liked me a lot and wanted to say how much!

My fist wants to meet your face.

How charming :') I want to give you a big hug anon! Until your eyes pop out of your head and you bleed from your ears.

What really pisses you off?

I would say people who decide they're going to be complete bitches out of no where. Nah mostly just people that have their heads so far up their fucking arses that they are tickling their armpits with their ears.

How do you spend the majority of your free time?

Music, Running, Swimming, Fishing, Friends, Sex, Tomb-stoning, laughing out loud... very loud... Playing Pool and kick ass! I'm batman mother fucker!


Language: English