
Jake Cartwright

Ask @Jakecart831

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I'm really sorry Jake. It will get easier with time. The first week is the hardest. Stay busy and try to not think about her.

thanks whoever you are!

Jakob Cartwright truth is you don't usually answer my truth is's but I still write them to you anyway because why not haha I miss you! We used to hang out like all the time and have so much fun but I never see you any more! Text me I still have your hoodie from Halloween in my locker hahaha

rileytreadwelll’s Profile PhotoRiley
hahahhaha it's cuz your truth is' suck. Give it to me tomorrow foolio!
Liked by: Lexie Riley

What if you were walking by a girl with a butt crack bikini and you were moving your arms back and forth and your hand got sucked in her ass crack?



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