

Ask @JalynnBrumfield433

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btw leah socks loves you and misses you so much and this is her typing on my friends computer

Well if this really is leah then i miss and love you too. text me sometime

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What time does the west vs central game start today since your brother plays for varsity

7:00 superhero theme for central❤️

Tbh I miss you sooooo much! We met in first grade in the YMCA league when I gave you a black eye. Then we had court queens, back board breakers,Tc hustle, and CCE. You are an amazing friend and I wouldn't be the person I am today without you in my life. You're a total baller and ily

Scarney7’s Profile PhotoSarah
awee sarah. i miss you so much. i can say the same thing for you. you also played great tonight. love you too girl
Liked by: Sarah


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