
James Defeo

Ask @JamesD614

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What do you think people think of you?

Well I hope people think I'm a nice, funny, caring guy that is fun to be around. That is what I hope but I think some people thinks I'm rude and annoying.

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Have you ever gone to school without your glasses?

I didn't wear glasses until 1st or 2nd grade ,but that doesn't count and no I haven't forgot ever.

Why do you wear glasses?

Why do I cuz I use them to make me look smart.... No I really use them cuz I can't see at long ranges

your rude and annoying

Well sorry if I was rude to you cause I don't really try to be rude and about the annoying u sorry that's me u learn to love it or hate it

what do u think maddie hababurger

I think she is a really nice, super smart, and all around she is awesome person.

Hows deja

"How's Déjà" Well I guess good but you see we haven't dated since like October so idk.

Give me a specific letter in the alphabet of who you like?

Lol well you're trying hard to find out how about I'll tell u if u kik me.

What is their first letter of their name of who you like?

Their first letter of their name is between a-z .

Language: English