

Close your fucking shitty mouth, u came out from an ass you seems like a shit

Damn, it seems easy to insult someone when it can't see you, at least show yourself, so i can come to you, shake your hand and congratulate with you for you courage, but I guess that you're not so brave... well, too bad!
By the way, you said that I look like a shit, yes, I know, but the shit in here, has bigger balls than you asshole.
My mouth is close, my hands are moving.
I don't know and I don't care who the fuck you are and where the fuck you came from, oh, wait, I know that last thing, you came out from the assehole of that bitch of your mother, by the way, back to what I was saying, I am in a free country, I can speak how much I want, I don't give a single fuck. I am a free person, I can talk how much I want, so, go fuck yourself, you can try to bring me down, but I'm steady, nobody will bring me down, not you, not the next one, no one.
Believe me!
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