
Jane Airey

Ask @JaneAirey

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Bad by the cab, it's my fav song. Asked mam if she would take me to America to see them, they're fabby!

if one of youre friends were cutting, what would you do? how would you feel? intimadated, helpless, scared, worried, paniced?

Firstly, I'd want them to feel like they can tell me. I wouldn't feel any of those things I guess, I'd stay strong for them, give them hope. Give them help! Tell them everything was going to be ok and they could pull through it. Tell them im always there. They wouldn't be alone, I'd help them stop and find themselves again..
Liked by: Nat Fisher

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Why do you like nat?

Ok, i'm going to answer this properly, idc if i'm soppy, cringey, being all cute. I want you all to know why.
Firstly, i like him because he's amazing, gorgeous, the best. He makes me smile every second of the day, if i'm upset i'll go straight to him, he always cheers me up, he always makes me smile. Secondly, he's always there for me, always. I can turn to him for anything, i tell him everything, he knows everything about me, all my secrets. I trust him with my life. I've always had quite bad trust issues with boys, but i don't have a single issue with my baby, he's perfect. He's actually my whole world, he's made me realise alot of things. How i need my friends and my family and how i need him. I don't actually think i could live without him, seriously. He's my whole world, he means everything to me and i don't think anyone could ever replace him. He knows me so well, and can just read me. He treats me like a princess and makes me feel special, he makes me feel like the only girl in the world. I love our relationship, our cute times alone and our cute days out, it's all special.He completes me, and he's a part of me. I don't want to ever think about losing him, i can't think about it tbh. We've been through so much together and we've become so much closer, we have such a strong bond and i don't think it could ever be broken, nothing can come between us. He's my rock. He's my bestfriend. He's my perfect boy.
I don't just like him.
I love him.
I love you baby x

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Hello, you don't know me but i would like your help. i'm 15 and i love singing, so if you wouldn't mind can you please take a look at my facebook page and subscribe to me to see me sing covers. i understand if you don't want to but it would really help me out, thank you! my link is in my bio <3

Joe Beech (✔)
Im okk.


Language: English