

Ask @JanhviSingh261

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A funny story?

Haha yes!
Okay so today I had gone to the lava service center to get my phone repaired. And that guy there asked me "aap pehle bhi aaye the na?" and I said "yes". And then he filled in the bill. While filling he asked, "naam Janhvi hi hain na?"
And then I got zapped out. He remembered my name. xDDDD
And then while coming home from the station, the auto wala did not know the road to my place so I was playing TFIOS with him. He kept asking me "Left?" and I said "Left." Hahahaha it was so fun.
And since I have been typing this it is not funny anymore but whatever.

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its really not okay :/ if i do care about anything, its about how others feel about me i am lippy, but i will control that if i have to anyway, thank you for the feedback

AshleyPayne0965’s Profile PhotoQueen Gallade
If that's the case, you should really take a look at yourself and know the real you. And display the real you as well.

thoughts on aditi.

Hi Aditi ♥
She is extremely patient, strong. I have never seen her angry. She doesn't interfere unnecessarily. She is almost happy aaaall the time. Gives you good vibes of being happy as well. She never takes anything personally. Rarely opens up. She's very forgiving (I suppose). She is really sweet and I love her ok bye now I have to studyyyyyy.
Lots of love :*

oh well thanks, i dont say anything about anyone behind their backs bc i have nothing to say. and i really dont have time for that and well. ill work on that :D thanks

AshleyPayne0965’s Profile PhotoQueen Gallade
I have heard you saying things behind people's backs and being super sweet on their face. Witnessed it. Also witnessed you interfering in my own personal life. I never say stuff without a reason. So yeah.

thoughts? xo

AshleyPayne0965’s Profile PhotoQueen Gallade
Um, I don't know you well.
I don't hate you or anything but I don't like you either.
And it is due to the way you behave. I feel you are two-faced, sorry won't lie. I feel you are fake as well.
I haven't judged you out of the blue, I have said this because I have observed you and known you quite a bit.
Also, don't say anything about anyone behind their backs. Say it on their face. And yes, stop interfering into others personal lives as well.
I'm sorry if this answer offended you by any means, but I had to be honest. So.. Yeah.


kavyaram23’s Profile PhotoUnicorn98%
- ye gaana sunn
- read this
- have your *some book's name*?
- kya plan hain?
- padha kuch?
- lecture attend kiya?
- arreeyyyy Jaaannhhhvvvviiiii! Tuuuuu iidddhhaaarrrr???
- chodh na
- he isn't worth it
- tu move on ho jaa
- bore ho raha hain
I think it's enough?
Lots of love ♥


Language: English