

Ask @JarviCrea

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isint that considered rape since hes way older than you?? o.O

No. Age of consent law is 16. He's only 15 years older than me which isn't very much.

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What product would you refuse to promote?

Birth control. It might seem great and all but really it doesn't prevent you from getting pregnant it ruins your baby making parts so you might not be able to have kids when you want to in the future.
Liked by: Samantha Fasullo

Tell us about the city you live in?

Its more of a town than a city. Nice weather but not much to do unless you have friends. Some people are nice but most arnt and its full of clicks and creeps.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Married with at least 3 or 2 kids and another cooking in the oven.


Language: English