

Ask @JasminWright

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Look, Jas, anyone who knows you knows you're not a cheat. You're my best friend and you loved that guy with all your fucking heart. You've taken this break up so well and Im proud of you c:

Gawh, I love whoever this is :') Thank youuu :3

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well I've got a question saying you cheated on me. which is stupid because you spent all your time with me :/

I never got chance to cheat on you, I adored you too much to even know how to speak to anyone else in that way :LL Awh love rumours. You know I didn't, I know I didn't so who gives a shit :)

Do u regret bein wiv him?

Nah, I couldn't regret something I valued so deeply. Everythings temporary and you've got to learn to move on.

if Danny said he wanted you back would you take him back ?

I'd want to know he was fully invested in the relationship, for both our sakes. 2 people have to be completely honest and completely themselves for it to work.
Besides, he said himself he doesn't believe we'd work out again and I agree, we're better off as friends, trust me

so you and Danny broke up how do you feel about that ?

It hurt at first, but now I see its for the best. He can find himself emotionally and I'm thankful that we got to make each other happy :') He's a really good guy, any girl would be lucky :3

Do you smile at strangers?

I try to, but spending all your time in a city means only weirdos smile back, which is a shame, I love smiling and talking to strangers

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

Of course, I have like 4 female friends and around 18 male friends, all of which I'm so much closer to beause they're so much cooler and they'll always have my back, without a knife in their hand. And they'll break into abandoned theme parks with me, deal with me getting us lost in Nottingham, listen to me talk for hours about a particular guy and then still be my friend after, they can see me where anything, do anything and say anything and they're still my friend. It's fab and I'm so thankful for all that they've done and all that they do.
Liked by: John Neil Bridges

What kind of things annoy you?

People being stingy (I mean really fucking petty) about money, fags and weed. And those people who "can only wear designer brands". Also, the X factor

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

That she's a nice girl or that she's into him I suppose. Unless it's her brother, then that's fucked up.


Language: English