
Jason madureira

Ask @Jason46

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Hooking up with Jess and Brit hay ;) babeing

Hahaha You's were saying babeing all f***en night haha

Believe me I tried Brahh lol but she was to fixated on you

Was she hahah I wasnt even paying attention to tell you the truth bro. Especially when I got a turn at djing towards the end, I just blacked out haha it was mad :)

Really, Awwww :) which movie ? Xx

It's been awhile but I think it was when I went to see Paranormal activity, I forget which one but it was at the movies.
Liked by: Rhiannah Zapp

Well who was that tall blonde girl you were with ?

I wasn't with her she just kept following me everywhere I went.
Liked by: Hani


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