
Jayden Julius

Ask @JaydenJulius

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whats your type physically

Attractive taken care of body always fresh like me beautiful smile that's the most beautiful and best thing to wake up next to in the a.m. (;

do u think you will ever love again after having your<3 broken

That's a good question. Of course I will I must stay positive and not let my guard down anymore just be bullet proof next time and think like my heart is made out of pure titanium and chrome. Just because someone broke my heart doesn't mean everyone is like that an someday you'll find you're truest match every one has loved and lost and ill probably get my heart broken few more times before finding the one that harnesses it in the mean time I'm not ready nd I won't be able to love the same in a while until all wounds heal but answer is yes I will someday soon just not today :)


Thanks I love my haters I rarely ate there i Eat at restaurants dnt hate cuz u can't look like this eating garbage and fast food day and night cuz ur lazy obese ass dnt even fit in ur kitchen to cook!.. You probably had that bad experience with Taco Bell last night to be so detailed on the aftermath effects! Now go Fetch a taco ill just sip on my wine fancy and classy as you drink your 99cent large overly sugar XXL Fountain drink go get some more kidney rocks you fat round wobbly inhabitant! I love my Haters if I have the effect to make u type something crazy at least I crossed your mind and you took a few mins to express your uncared and unbothered opinion I Neva take ya seriously another waste of memory lol #lowlife #chopped! -.- #Fail!!
Liked by: Dennis Alvarez

would you queef on your dads chin if you had a post-op vagina and was offered 50 bucks to do it? but the catch is that the queef gotta smell like tuna and skunk.. would you?

You sound like a crazy psycho pervert maniac something must have been mentally wrong with you probably dropped as a baby one too many times or your mom did a little too much of that of crack during her pregnancy with you or just maybe your dad's crazy ass raped her some more all 9 months and thats why theres a dent in your head that penetrated thru you're brain you stupid ingrate how dare of you to ask me this : Of course not you waste of sperm low-life an abomination repugnant waste of a thought and btw I dnt really have a Dad around So FUCk YOU!!

Are you single ?

currently unfortunately yes. Till the time is right and I'm ready again!! People be madd nosey now a days lol geeshh!! -.-

If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

I would do exactly as said in the statement spend anyway I wanted also spend wisely to benefit my future not get caught up in the moment by flashy objects that are temporary when I can invest in my future ;)

Language: English