
Jazmine Teo

Ask @JazmiineeTeo

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Who is an Ass sometimes buy you still love them because when he or she is not an ass there like fun as hell

My boyfriend c:

Continued ... Inteal he's gone so just live like its the last day your gonna see him if you truly love him witch I hope you do and prove every person wrong that Doubted you guys but good luck on the relationship I hoped this help ps you guys are cute together

Thanks for the advice ^ ...Wish it wasn't anonymous lol but it's cool & thanks again stranger /.\

If you are your boyfriend get married where are you guys going to live and be doing ... Just tell me all the info plz ?(:

Lol , Uh we don't know yet /.^

Is there was one person that would make you cry if he or she disappeared for ever who would it be ?

My Babe <3

How long have you and your boyfriend been going out? &yall are hella cute together :)

For about a month now & Thanks /.\

If you had to choose they way your feeling from what happen today what would you it's be In love , happy, sad , amazing , you miss somebody , bored



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