
Jemma is better than you

Ask @Jemmaisbeautiful

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I'm thinking of deactivating. I rarely go on this account anymore, not that anyone will see this. But I don't get asked questions anymore. I might reactivate in a month or so. I wont go if I get spammed with questions though. Not that that's going to happen. Jemma, It was my honour to create this fan page for you. I might not deactivate but if I don't then I just wont come on here. You are beautiful, never forget that. You are my inspiration. I will still be on my other account if you want to chat and so

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Do that number thing?

Fine but no one will inbox me numbers.
Inbox me a number and I will answer it honestly. You can inbox more that one number at a time btw.
1 - any scars?
2 - self harmed?
3 - crush?
4 - kissed anyone?
5 - coke or pepsi?
6 - someone you hate?
7 - best friends?
8 - have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
9 - what's your dream job?
10 - ever been in love?
11 - last time you cried?
12 - favourite colour?
13 - height?
14 - birthday?
15 - eye colour?
16 - natural hair colour?
17 - what do you love?
18 - obsession?
19 - if you had 1 wish, what would it be?
20 - do you love someone?
21 - kiss or hug?
22 - nicknames people call you?
23 - favourite band?
24 - favourite song?
25 - worst thing that ever happened to you?
26 - best thing that ever happened to you?
27 - something you would change about yourself?
28 - ever dated someone?
29 - worst mistake?
30 - watch the movie or read the book?
31 - ever had a heartbreak?
32 - favourite tv show?
33 - best day of your life?
34 - any talents?
35 - anything you want to start over?
36 - any bad habits?
37 - ever had a near death experience?
38 - someone I can tell anything too?
39 - ever lost a loved one?
40 - do you believe in love?
41 - someone you hate/dislike?
42 - are you okay?
43 - full name?
44 - something you are paranoid about?
45 - have you ever been excluded?
46 - any medical conditions?
47 - have you ever came close to death?
48 - smoked Shisha?
49 - smoked weed?
50 - smoked cigarettes?
51 - know anyone that has attempted suicide?
52 - been in an abusive relationship?
53 - play any instruments?
54 - turn ons?
55 - turn offs? 
56 - sexual orientation?
57 - when did you know what your sexuality was?
58 - meaning behind your URL / username?
59 - drank alcohol?
60 - been drunk?
61 - most alcohol you drank?
62 - single or taken?
63 - what do you dislike about yourself and why?
64 - the worst thing someone has ever said to you?
65 - favourite thing to say?
66 - talk about one of your scars and why 
67 - links?
68 - enemy?
69 - favourite person on ask?
70. Secret no one knows

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Language: English