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اني مااعرف لهاذه البرنامج

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ويمه بزونه لابسة شفقة ومناظر..
هذا تسأل بتخفي بدون يوزر محد يعرف منو دز السؤال..
اذا ضغطت عليه ينطيك خيار
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تسأل وتبين هويتك.

Ashq bun ba kchek ka kcha ashqi mali dunyau sarwatu saman be ch tawani kurai tedaya asked all

انا مش من شرم.. 😒

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لـ حديثك 📨

I'm not in love..
I won't fall in love..
And I try to look at people sometimes to prove that..
But whenever I look at man.. I feel that I betray you..
How come?! I'm not in love with you...

Good you're not a judge you would've ruined lives

I ruin lives either ways..
Wait till I get the power.. I'll hunt you all..

+؛ الﯠقـَـت ٰ 🌪⏰، ﯠشٌـٍﯙﯾهـﮧۧ ككـَـلآمٰ

الساعه10:30 ..
المفروض اكون مخلصه المادة لان بديت اغفي.. بس اني مبادية اصلا..
والان بعد ان اخذت الدواء العجيب سوف ادرس.. *تنام*

Great! Bye bye! * waves goodbye*

DostoFan’s Profile PhotoDostoyevsky
Come back here..
Who are you?!!
You.. Are you trying to steal my money and kill me?!
Guess what?! I'll kill you first and steal your money and sell your kidneys!🔫😐

What's the best way to apologize?

بس كول اني مطي وجلب وحيوان بس مقصدت أذيج.. واني اسف.. من صدك بعد ما اعيدها.. وهسه رايح اجيبلج لفة واجي..
لو جافص ببطني هم اسامحك.. 😟
Liked by: Choi tamara ∞

I meant to say ego* will be the last thing on your mind :) you know, not everyone's personalities are fouls, there are plenty of decent guys out there. And from what I know, girls tend to fall in love with personalities and character and the sense of humor. La tgulbeeha nakad 3ad ka2abtini 😂

Man.. I'm leaving the whole thing is boring.. rainbow is the answers.. *leaves and slams the door behind her*

😂😂ورده انتي

ali_almomaz’s Profile Photoالزعہيم
إسمعي؟! الغرباء يكولون عليه ورده وانتي تريدين تحطين فيس الضفدع🐸 على وجهي من تنشرين الصور.. سببتولي اضرار نفسيه.. الا اقاضيكم!
وديني لشردكم في الشوارع وديني لقطع عنكم المصروف!! 😒

أذا تكلمت الأنثى فأعلم أنها سعيده:: ولكن اذا رأيتها صامته "" ثق تمام الثقه :بأن جرحا في قلبها بدء ينزف... 😢😣😔 راقت لي😞

ali_almomaz’s Profile Photoالزعہيم
يعني بالكوة تحسسوني بالنقص ليش؟! 😐😑
لييييييييش.. 😒
اااااانه شسويت بدنياااااي!!! 😣
اني عكس ما تم ذكره.. 😒
Liked by: الزعہيم

You know what I mean. Eternity as in the rest of your life. And men don't know how to love? You've been looking at the wrong men all of your life. Once the right person comes along, who will be the last thing on your mind.

Their personalities are فاول
And their love stories are even worst!
Maybe I'll find the one somewhere away from these countries..
Someone who won't be an amazing gentleman before marriage and a horrible beast after it.. 😏
Not to mention with a colored eyes.. heheh

Even if he proposed? All people with broken hearts think they'll never find love again. Have faith, you don't want to be forced into a marriage to someone you don't love, or spend eternity alone.

There're few points..
I'm not brokenhearted.. I'm not a vampire I won't live for eternity! 😂
It's just what I see.. Men don't know how to love.. I can't settle for something doesn't fulfill all my need and satisfy my ego..
He loved her, married her and then bored of her? And his eyes chases every girl in the street..
And flirt too?
Being single is better than being divorced.
I'll hunt him and chop him in small piece if this happens to me!
Then I'll go to jail.. I would have company there.. my fellow prisoners.😐


Language: English