

Ask @JennaaaPaine

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Do you know who sings this hip hop classic: Attention all y'all players and pimps Right now in the place to be I thought I told y'all niggas before Y'all niggas can't fuck with me ;)

The fuck

Jenna Paine you are perfection in my eyes and if i knew you personally id love as a gf and we would get married and live happily ever after have a nice christmas too :)

Well, thanks but who is this?

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Is it hard being that sexy and what's a typical Jenna Payne day like?

Its easy to be sexy if you are but I'm not so lols and its *paine

Op on jed, adam, ewan, tim

Jed - used to be close(ish) he can be a bit of a twat;) but he is also funny and nice.
Adam - on off with him but at the moment we're friendsies and he makes me laugh and he is very funny. People that judge him on his past are silly because like past is ages ago. People also tell me he is a knob but like he isn't to me so I don't careee. But yeah, pretty lovely
Ewan - didn't really know him before but he is really nice and funny and physics is remotely good because we're both so bad at it. He likes adventure time and he is coollll n' hot n' stuff
Tim - been friends for a while but now we're like besties and he is funny and nice n' just like so swags and we have some funny times.

I don't care what you say i think jenna paine (that's you) is gorgeous and i love you and wana marry you :).

So I'm not sure if this is a piss take,
But thankyouuu, that's really sweeet if you're serious,
I do know my own name too ;) hahha

my names Tony im from Liverpool i called you a very wise girl which you seem like you are jenna paine plus your super sexy :)

You don't know me I could be a total retard

Uno the way you said but yeah am not planning on losing my virginity at 14 some girl who used to be on my bbm had a 3sum when she was 13 :0

that's her decision and nothing to do with me even though I don't agree with it. She can have fun telling her kids she lost her virginity at age 13 which will give them a great person to look up to. Most of the people my age who have lost their virginity regret that they did it so:/

Your a virgin wow that's very hard to believe... Have you seen you? Your GAWJUSS :0. XxX

pahahah, awh that's sweet x
but yeah, no not planning on losing my virginity at age 14 hah


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