
Jennifer Trippel

Ask @JenniferTrippel

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What style of Dance you like to Dance the most?! ;-)

GrandBisou’s Profile PhotoGrand Bisou
I Dance since I was 3 and I did pretty much everystyle, but I can't decide which I like the most.
It depense on my mude. Sorry i can't give you one specific style...
Liked by: Grand Bisou

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

of course I like to get things who doesn't?
but I do even more like giving, because you can make somebody else happy :)
Liked by: Grand Bisou

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What are you wearing right now? 

darkblue skinny jeans, a beige tanktop and a dark turqouise jacket...

Do you like watching musicals?

I do, but just if they don't sing the whole time.
Like in 'Les Misérables', it was a great movie but in the beginning it enoyed me that they didn't talk at all! But after a while you got used to it.
Anyways, a couple of songs are great but a little bit of normal talking doesn't hurt.

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

I would leave Germany, but I'm not sure if I would give up my dreams and la...

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

I would love to talk to Dumbledore ^.^

What should there be in a perfect city?

A lot of shopping centers, very few traffic, many film copanies and studios and all the people I love.

Talking onile become a friend with new people hangout with my bessti and learn more about Montage :D


So what you like to do in your free time ?

hanging out with friends, studying scripts, filming vlogs... you?

What is your favorite month of the year?

Probably September, so many birthdays, so many cakes :p

Which websites do you visit daily?

none really daily, I'm pretty bussy but often: facebook, twitter, tumblr and I guess ask I mean I just got it....


Language: English