
Jesykah Briggs

Ask @Jes130

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Name three things you think shouldn't exist in the world.

every time I got to speak to my mum my nana cuts me off and gives me dirty looks and smirks bc she has a deep hatred for me and thinks I'm the child of satan (not kidding) and I get completely ignored cos mums trying not to be rude. she only got here like 2 hours ago from Sydney and she's already fucking me right off. actual dreading the next week. 😒🔫

thoughts ✌️

Jade Whitton
you're really funny and we get along well, I don't like math when you're not there, well tbh I don't like math at all but it's better when you're there hahaha. you're hell nice too and believe it or not, but other than this photo you're generally pretty 💁🏽 I feel sorry for your shrek phone though

Thoughts? xx

kailie my thoughts are like the same as yours 💁🏽 you're such a funny person and you're so pretty and sweet. I miss our friendship bc tbh we had a pretty cool one, like, we used to listen to Kerser in lessons together and think we were the sickest hahah and yeah, play with fire, we were very 12 but I wouldn't change it. I'm glad we're talking again bc honestly you just kind of seem to get me, and you're good to talk to 💁🏽and yeah, would be good to keep getting closer man x
Liked by: Kailie Poppy Higgins

Thoughts // Jesykahhhh, your literally flawless, your so funny and your laugh is adorable and funny it makes me laugh, your really easy to talk to and get along with in glad we're getting closer. lovin ya face 💁🏻😘

thank you ja'mie, lovin your face also 💕
Liked by: Jayden Jamie

almost 400 you're not quite there

don't you have like 53? I've got 455 soo... and you told me to write it so don't try to correct me Emily 😂
Liked by: Jayden


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