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Latest answers from Jessica

Whom do you really love?

My parents want me to be able to love myself first more than anything else.
If I can't even love myself at the very least.. I can't even love others.
I need to love myself first for my parents & others not to worry about me.
Why bother loving someone when we can't even love ourselves?

Post a GIF that matches your current mood?

Well, I have a quite unique preference?

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

yes, there is.. my complexion. ha ha ha
I used to feel insecure when they differentiated me.. but, not anymore tho?

Are you a traveler or a homebody?

both... when I feel like travelling, then I'll travel to somewhere.. when I dont feel like doing anything, then I'd prefer staying at home

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

yeah. National Post-exam Holiday!! ME SO TIRED .

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

because healthy body and healthy mind are expensive.

Language: English