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Latest answers from Jessicat

Are you the type of person who would spend time in the company of a stranger with pleasure, drinking cappuccinos and telling each other stories from life? :) ☕☕


How would you describe the feeling that you get when looking at the sky?

When looking at a clear blue sky, the sunset and the stars, I like to marvel at how pretty much anyone can enjoy something so beautiful as much as they want, regardless of who or where they are... it belongs to everyone.

Places you've travelled?

I am very grateful to have travelled as much as I have... I've been to many places in Mexico and Italy as well as Las Vegas, London, Wales, Berlin, Prague, Toronto, Los Angeles, Miami, Jamaica and Haiti.

When you listen to a song, which musical instrument do you like most?

Idk if this counts but when things have a really good deep bass it makes my heart flutter. Usually this is edm and things with guitars

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

I definitely could go without alcohol if I really wanted or needed to. But without a very good reason, I'd rather not :p

Language: English