
jessica gati

Ask @JessicaGati16


How have your life experiences changed you?

i find out more and more things and expand my knowledge and matures me :)

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What is your favorite salad?

...didnt really know you could be more specific than "salad".. well except egg salad :p

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

well. i have two teachers in one class and so one teacher pulled a prank on the other by putting clear tape across the door and making her run into it :)

what middle school did u go to?

madero middle skool. :).. are you trying to like find out all my background information or something? lol jus wondering. u seem cool (:

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

personality<<< caring, loving, would do anything for you, hot, sweet, brave, and confident <3

Language: English