Ask @Jia99

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Describe mila

mila, dengar macam nama artis en? Tapi sorry not sorry she only artist in my heart. auwww! mila, bila di sebut macam senang en? Tapi sorry not too easy to take her heart. mila, tengok nama dia macam biasa jumpa en? Tapi sorry not sorry it's hard to find 'mila' like her. mila mila mila and mila who are she? Act mila her full name is Hayatun Syamila, and fyi she really hate when her friends call her with 'atun' hahaha otherwise her classmate. Mila also kind, we already knew each other from 26/12/2013, baru setahun kenal apa je en? Da la tak pernah jumpa. Just shut up and ask her everything about her life, and she will tell you everything. Mila, mesti korang assume "alaa kawan je la, muka dia baik je." Sorry, you're wrong. Mila too easily love people and HATE people, but too hard to fight and have enemy because she too easily to forgive people. Ok from what you read now, mesti kau kata "Alaa senang minta maaf it's okay la." But banyak kali kau buat benda sama, immediately kau kena buang dari friendlist dia. Know her well and you can know perangai dia macam mana. Kenapa aku nak describe panjang-panjang ceni? Sebab aku nak dia tahu yang aku tengah mencuba untuk mengenali dia lebih lagi, she really friendly i love her. She really good listener i love her too. She really good in give an advise and i do to love her. She really good friend and i really really really to love her, in syaa Allah till jannah :')

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describe @mishanazri kehkeh :p

dia baik, comel ,cantik, cute, braces lady, speck lady, hmm die hmm die hot, die pendek :p friendly, suka gelak kalau da gelak susah berhenti xD suka menjerit jugak, kalau duduk sebelah die boleh pekak maybe :p hikhik stay cute ;) xx


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