Ask @Jkboy

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What's one thing you learned in 2016?

If someone isn't reply give them space. If they wanna talk to you they will. It's hard but sometimes that's all they want.

How important is money to you?

You can't live a well life without money. As bad as it sounds you need money for basically everything in life... as you can tell it's a pretty important part of life

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What countries have you visited?

Canada, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic... that's all I can think of rn

Are you in Love?

What do you mean?
Have someone that you can't imagine being without? The feeling that you are going puke your guts out once there is a fear of losing them? Do you mean someone that can make you the happiest person alive ? Do you mean having someone that is the only thing that's keeping you going in life? Then yes, I am in love

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

No one. No one deserves to be in that situation


Language: English